Contact | Other resources
Sexual Assault
Provincial helpline for victims of sexual assault
1-888-933-9007 (toll-free number) or 514 933-9007 (Greater Montreal)
Designated Centres in Montreal
Designated Centres elsewhere in Quebec
Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victims
CPIVAS – Laval
(Centres d’aide et de prévention pour les victimes d’agressions sexuelles qui offre aussi des services aux hommes)
(Centre de Ressources et d’Intervention Pour Hommes Abusés Sexuellement dans leur Enfance)
(free and confidential legal services to anyone who is an ally or has experienced or witnessed sexual or psychological harassment in the workplace or violence of a sexual nature)
(Regroupement québécois des centres d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuels)
1-877-717-5252 (toll-free number) or 514 529-5252 (Greater Montreal)
(services juridiques gratuits et confidentiels – harcèlement au travail ou violences sexuelles)
(Regroupement québécois des centres d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuels)
1-877-717-5252 (sans frais) ou 514 529-5252 (région de Montréal)
Regroupement des centres d’amitiés autochtones
(Native friendship centres)
1-877-842-6354 (toll-free number) or 418-842-6354 (Quebec)
Crisis Intervention Center
(Quebec crisis centers)
Crisis intervention, 24/7
Financial Crimes
(Autorité des marchés financiers)
Harassement in the workplace
(The Help and Information Center on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace)
514-526-0789 (Montréal)
(free and confidential legal services to anyone who is an ally or has experienced or witnessed sexual or psychological harassment in the workplace or violence of a sexual nature)
Resources for men
À cœur d’homme
1-877-660-7799 (toll-free number)
(Centre de Ressources et d’Intervention Pour Hommes Abusés Sexuellement dans leur Enfance)
514 529-5567 (Montreal)
Free legal information, support and referral services
Centres de justice de proximité
Information on the rights and publications concerning victims of crime
Compensation for victims of crime
Direction de l’indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels (IVAC)
1-800-561-IVAC (4822) or 514 906-3019 (Greater Montreal)
Alternative Justice
(Association des organismes de justice alternative du Québec)
CSJR (Centre de services de justice réparatrice)
LAAA (Elder Mistreatment Helpline)
1-888-489-ABUS (2287) (toll-free number)
AMF (Autorité des marchés financiers)
Preventing elder financial abuse
Murdered or missing people
(Association des familles de personnes assassinées ou disparues)
1-877-484-0404 (toll-free number)
(Canadian centre for information of missing adults)
Immigrants and refugees
(Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes)
514 272-6060 (Greater Montreal)
Early childhood and youth
S.O.S Suicide Jeunesse
1-800-361-5085 (toll-free number)
1-800-263-2266 (toll-free number)
Mental Health
List of resources to help people with a mental health problem
AQPS (Association québecoise de prévention du suicide)
1-866-APPELLE (277-3553) (toll-free number)
Health and social services (Directory of resources in Quebec)
Répertoire des ressources au Québec
Victims of sects
514 274-2333 (Greater Montreal)
Domestic and family violence
Shelter for abused women in Aboriginal communities
L’Alliance des maisons d’hébergement de 2e étape
Resources for victims of domestic violence
SOS violence conjugale
1-800-363-9010 (toll-free number)
(Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale)
Services Côté Cour
Montréal (specialized in domestic and family violence in the judiciary)
Violence in romantic relationships
Projet XOX
Victims of crime (rights, remedies and resources)
(droits, recours et ressources)
Witnesses – your role in court
Witnesses – your role in court, criminal and youth division
The judicial system
The youth criminal justice act : The legal procedure
Act respecting assistance for victims of crime
New citizen service statement
The crime victims assistance centers subscribe to the commitments set out in the Declaration of Services to Citizens, adopted by the Quebec Ministry of Justice.
Statement of principle regarding witnesses
The crime victims assistance centers subscribe to the commitments set out in the Declaration of Principles relating to Witnesses, adopted by the Quebec Ministry of Justice, the Barreau du Québec and the judiciary.
Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power (Milan Declaration)
Charter of human rights and freedoms
Canadian charter of rights and freedoms
Act respecting assistance for victims of crime
Crime victims compensation act
Act to amend the code of penal procedure
Brief on Bill 25, An Act to amend compensation for victims of crime and other legislative provisions
Loi modifiant l’indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels et d’autres dispositions législatives
Handbook for police and crown prosecutors on criminal harassment (March 2004)
Guide à l’intention des policiers et des procureurs de la Couronne (Mars 2004)
Directory of Quebec police services
Sûreté du Québec
Crime Stoppers, Quebec division
Thanks to the AQPV (Association québecoise Plaidoyer-Victimes) for its directory of resources on its website which served us as a model for much of this information.